It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are 5 — SOLD
It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are 4 — SOLD
Action Indicates Priorities - 1, 42 x 42 in, $2600 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, powdered graphite and polymers on canvas
Cry A River. Build A Bridge. Get Over It. (3), 56 x 56 in, $3800
It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are 3 — SOLD
It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are 1 — SOLD
Cry A River. Build A Bridge. Get Over It. (2) 62 x 62 in, $4400 — SOLD
Storms Settle, 62 x 62 in, $4400
It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are 2 — SOLD
Fragile and Strong — SOLD
When The Answer Is No, There Is A Better Yes Down The Road, 36 x 36 in, $2200 — SOLD
Acrylic, powdered graphite, and polymers on canvas
Action Indicates Priorities - 2, 42 x 42 in, $2600 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, powdered graphite and polymers on canvas
It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are — 6 — SOLD
If You Don't Heal What Hurt You You Will Bleed On People Who Did Not Cut You, 48 x 36 in, $2600 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, polymers on canvas
Cry A River. Build A Bridge. Get Over It. - 1, 53 x 63 in, $4200 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, and polymers on canvas
The Strongest Are Seared With Scars — 1, 60 x 36 in, $3000 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, powdered graphite, and polymers on wood panel
The Strongest Are Seared With Scars — 2, 60 x 36 in, $3000 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, powdered graphite and polymers on wood panel
We All Grapple With Inner Battles, 42 x 42 in, $2600
Acrylic, pencil, charcoal, and polymers on canvas
If It Doesn’t Open It's Not Your Door, 36 x 36 in, $2200
Acrylic, pencil, charcoal, and polymers on canvas
Aberrant Moment Of Courage, 48 x 48 in, $3000 — SOLD
Acrylic, charcoal, pencil and polymers on canvas
Be With Me, 36 x 42 in, $2200
Acrylic and polymers on canvas
Make Everybody Feel Like A Somebody, 54 x 60, $3800 — SOLD
Acrylic, charcoal, pencil, oil stick, and polymers on canvas
Life is Tough But So Are You, 40 x 40 in, $2600 — not available
Acrylic, powdered graphite, and polymers on canvas
Life is Tough But So Are You, 40 x 40 in, $2600 — SOLD
Acrylic, pencil, pastel, charcoal, and polymers on canvas
True Colours Are Eventually Revealed (R) & Life is Tough But So Are You (L — SOLD)
I Love You Because We Hate The Same Stuff, 60 x 60 in, $4200 — SOLD
Acrylic, charcoal, pencil and polymers on Canvas
Cry A River. Build A Bridge. Get Over It. - 1, 53 x 63 in, $3800 — SOLD
Cry A River. Build A Bridge. Get Over It. - 1, 53 x 63 in, $3800 — SOLD
If It Doesn’t Open It's Not Your Door, 36 x 36 in, $2200
If They Don't Let Us Dream, We Won't Let Them Sleep, 30 x 30 in, SOLD
Aberrant Moment Of Courage, 48 x 48 in, $3000 — SOLD
Be With Me, (size to be confirmed)
Cry A River. Build A Bridge. Get Over It. - 1, 53 x 63 in, $3800 — SOLD
The Strongest Are Seared With Scars — 1, 60 x 36 in, $3000 — SOLD
We All Grapple With Inner Battles, 42 x 42 in, $2600
Action Indicates Priorities - 2, 42 x 42 in, $2600 — SOLD
Action Indicates Priorities - 1, 42 x 42 in, $2600
Action Indicates Priorities - 1 & 2, 42 x 42 in, $2600 each